If you like to camp, The Philadelphia Folk Festival is for you! Bring the family, arrive Thursday morning, set up camp, and enjoy an exclusive kick-off concert for campers only! Stay the whole weekend to hear music, enjoy crafts, shop at the general store or merch tent for anything you forgot, then load out Monday before 11am. Best part? ALL kids 4 & under are FREE!!!!!
General Camping Information and Rules
The Philadelphia Folk Festival Campground is situated on a large farmer’s field and has been home to thousands of Campers over the years. Camping spots are first-come-first-served, but the Camping Committee time-releases reserved areas as needed. Campers are asked to keep their site footprint minimal, especially in prime areas, so everyone can find a good spot. Don’t forget to bring sturdy footwear, a water bottle, flashlight and essential food/medicines…oh and of course your guitar.
For more information visit Camping HQ once onsite or contact the Camping committee at PFFCAMPING@COMCAST.NET
Gates open for “All-Festival with Camping” ticket holders at 10 am on Thursday of Festival. Ticket holders with Wednesday Early entry may enter at 2 pm.
Gates close at 12 pm on Monday, post-Fest, though you are expected to load-out by 11 am.
Entrance to the campground is by wristlet and everyone, even children, must have a wristlet. Day trippers without a camping ticket are not permitted in the Campground.
The Campground is split into a few different camping areas. Descriptions of these areas can be found below. Check the map to get a better understanding of where these camping areas are located.
This is included with your “All-Festival with Camping” ticket.
Plan to park your vehicle in either the paid or free parking lots and utilize our Gear Shuttles
No Vehicles or Generators are allow in Light camping.
Quieter Camping – Is a sub-section of the light tent camping area for families and others who want a little more peace and quiet.
See additional Campground rules for more information.
This requires an “All-Festival with Camping” tickets and an additional RV ticket. Only one (1) RV ticket is required per vehicle.
Generators are permitted to run in Heavy Camping areas only from 9am-9pm. Please read separate Generator Rules section below for more details.
During heavy arrival periods you may be directed to stage your RV in a satellite lot for vehicle tagging and then you will be directed to the Campground where Volunteers will assist you with parking your RV. Festival signage will be updated as necessary.
RV Must remain in Campground. If RV is removed, Re-entry to Campground will be restricted. i.e. Vehicles removed from Campground will be denied reentry.
Tow vehicles are not permitted to remain in the camping area and must be moved to a parking lot ASAP.
NO Ground Tents are allowed in Heavy Camping.
RV camping requires 10 feet of sleeping space in vehicle.
All camping vehicles must be leveled and have their wheels chocked to prevent movement.
Engine must remain OFF and Vehicle remain parked.
NO campfires near or between RVs or Camping Vehicles. Campfires must be at the end of the row and have appropriate space clearances and be always attended. The Festival Management or the Fire Marshall may restrict fires at any time for any reason.
CO or Carbon Monoxide/Propane Detectors and Fire Extinguishers are required for your safety.
Philadelphia Folk Festival provides camping area only. There are no water or electric hook-ups or dump stations. Wastewater removal may be available for an additional fee.
See additional Campground rules for more information.
The VIP (formerly Friends of Fest) Camping ticket allows for Camping in our prime VIP areas in both the Light and Heavy Camping areas described above.
- Camp at your own risk.
- Do not leave camping gear behind.
- NO pets of any kind (except service animals with current rabies vaccination)
- NO motorized conveyances except for folks with mobility, circulatory, respiratory, or neurological disabilities. One-wheels, skateboards, hoverboards, bicycles, Segway’s, and other non—traditional mobility devices cannot be accommodated due to safety issues.
- NO firearms, dangerous weapons, or fireworks are permitted as specified by local authorities. Failure to comply will result in expulsion from the campground without refund and possible prosecution may ensue.
- NO illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.
- NO glass containers.
- NO amplified sound systems/large speaker systems or excessive noise. USB powered personal portable speakers allowed. Festival Management reserves the right to remove sound systems/ instruments that do not follow these guidelines.
- NO laser pointers, drones, Chinese Lanterns, remote-operated, and/or autonomous vehicles of any kind.
- NO ground fires. Campfires are only permitted in above-ground appropriate fire pits and The Fire Marshall or Festival Management may restrict fires at any time for any reason.
- NO camping in FIRE LANES.
- NO unauthorized vending of any kind.
- NO vehicles permitted in the tent camping area.
- Parking for motorcycles (and bicycles) is located inside the Camping Gate. You may be required to have a paid parking pass.
- Showers
- Tram Cart – Purchase in advance on PFS.ORG.
- Trams run on prescribed route within campground over to Concert side and back.
- Trams begin running when Concert side is open and run each day until ½ hour after evening concert.
- We regret to announce that we will not be providing Instrument Check Services this year…
- The free Gear Shuttle runs during normal ticket office/volunteer committee hours.
- Unauthorized vehicles are not permitted in the campground so plan to utilize the gear shuttles. The Shuttle trucks will operate around a prescribed route from both the paid (Point lot) and free (Wolford lot) parking lots to the campground. Weather/ground conditions permitting the Shuttles will get you as close to your site as possible.
- Be sure to pack and label all gear appropriately for transport from your car into the shuttle truck. Our trucks have cab space available so you can stay with your gear. No riders are permitted to travel in the bed of the truck. The festival is not responsible for loss or damage to equipment.
- The Shuttle team will issue ticket holders their wristband and take Volunteers to secure their badge and wristband.
- Sunday, the Gear Shuttle will be available in the campground to assist campers to get their gear out of the campground.
- Monday morning, weather and ground condition permitting campers may be allowed to bring their vehicle into the campground to pack up their gear. This is dependent on the Ground Conditions.
- Please check back or visit the Camping Committee Facebook page for Schedule updates as we get closer to the festival.
The festival attempts to accommodate all patrons. It should be noted, however, that we are a temporary site, created just for the weekend. The ground is rough – it is a working farm the rest of the year, and our space is limited. The Camping committee provides several areas reserved for ADA camping and ADA parking is available inside Camping Gate. Please contact PFFCAMPING@COMCAST.NET for more information.
- Trash and Recycling are picked up daily about 10am Fri-Sun. Please separate and place on camp road.
- NO GLASS – If glass is found in bags, it may not be picked up.
- If you must bring something… pack-in and pack-out!
- Going to say it again—NO GLASS. Be nice and keep our volunteers safe!
- Black Trash and Clear Recycling bags are distributed by the cleanup team during pickups
- Additional Bags may be requested at Camping HQ
- Leave the Farm like you found it- pickup everything and put in trash bags before you leave.
- Camping HQ is located at the top of the hill.
- Our volunteers are trained to help answer questions and assist you in any way possible.
- Lost and Found (Concert side L&F located at info booth)
- Hot tip – Put ID on all your keys and your phone, and add your contact information to your home screen.
- For more information visit Camping HQ once onsite or contact the Camping committee at PFFCAMPING@COMCAST.NET
- The festival reserves the right to shut down any generator for ANY REASON for the health, safety, and welfare of everyone at the Philadelphia Folk Festival.
- Exhaust must be expelled in a safe manner and must not pose a health issue.
- Generators may only be operated from 9 am to 9 pm.
- Generators are permitted in Heavy (RV / Vehicular) Camping only. No generators permitted in Light (Tent) Camping.
- Please bring the smallest and quietest generator possible that will meet your actual needs.
- Generators must not be left unattended while running.
- Fuel MUST be stored away from any potential source of combustion (heat sources, vehicles or generators in service or fires or grills of any sort)
- Please adhere to all manufacturer guidelines to ensure proper usage and safety.
Please be aware that carbon monoxide is dangerous and can be harmful and potentially fatal to you and other campers. Vehicle and generator exhaust MUST be expelled safely, and not into adjacent campsites or other campers in order to lessen the dangers of carbon monoxide. In addition to the health concerns, we want to be sure that you and your Vehicular Camping neighbors can enjoy the festival and your time in the campground and not be concerned with exhaust odors.

Camping – Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions: Download FAQ Sheet
The Philadelphia Folk Festival offers both tent camping and RV/Camper camping options.
Campers can arrive starting at 10am on the Thursday before the festival begins. All campers must depart by 11am on the Monday following the festival.
Campsites include access to portable toilets, water stations, and trash disposal facilities. Access to food vendors and Campsite General Store for simple needs. Ice, Showers, Instrument/Valuable Storage available for purchase.
NO ground fires. Campfires are only permitted in above ground appropriate fire pits. Campfires must be located at or next to the campground roads, NO campfires in between campsites. The Fire Marshall or Festival Management may restrict fires at any time for any reason.
Yes, you will receive a wristband upon arrival at Tickets or Volunteers Headquarters that will grant you access to leave and return at any point.
No, pets are not permitted at the festival campgrounds, with the exception of service animals.
Your RV/Camper Must remain parked with the engine off, and wheels chocked to prevent movement for the entirety of your stay. If your RV/Camper is removed, Re-entry to the Campground will be restricted. Tow vehicles must be parked in the Reserved Parking Lot, or available Free Parking Lot.
NO, vehicles are not permitted to stay in the Light Tent Camping areas. All vehicles must be parked in the Reserved Parking Lot or designated Free Parking Lot.
NO, ground tents are not permitted in designated Heavy Camping areas.
Yes, there are designated quiet camping areas for those who prefer a more tranquil environment. Located in Light Tent Camping. NO amplified sound systems and or large speaker systems are permitted ANYWHERE in the camping area. Portable USB powered speakers are allowed.
Yes, security personnel are present throughout the festival grounds, including the campgrounds, to ensure the safety and well-being of all attendees.
There are NO available hookups for RV/Campers. Generators are allowed in RV/Camper designated areas, and must follow festival guidelines. Generators are NOT permitted in Light Tent Camping areas. The festival reserves the right to shut down any generator for ANY REASON for the health, safety, and welfare of everyone at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. Water stations are available throughout the campground to fill portable water containers.
There are no specific restrictions on tent size, but please be considerate of your neighbors and use only the space necessary for your camping needs.
Please dispose of all trash in the designated receptacles provided throughout the campgrounds to help keep the area clean. NO glass containers are allowed.
NO motorized conveyances except for folks with mobility, circulatory, respiratory, or neurological disabilities. One-wheels, skateboards, hoverboards, bicycles, Segway’s, and other non—traditional mobility devices cannot be accommodated due to safety issues.
Yes, there are grocery stores and other amenities located within a short driving distance from the festival grounds.
Yes, the festival strives to be accessible to all attendees. Be aware that the festival is held on a working hay farm, which offers several challenges. Please contact the festival organizers in advance to arrange any necessary accommodations.
Campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved in advance. Arrive early to secure your preferred spot.
For any inquiries or questions, please contact the festival directors via directors@pfs.org, who are responsible for all festival decisions. Please note that camp rules are subject to change, as the Philadelphia Folk Festival is an all-season event, operating rain or shine. Festival directors reserve the right to modify any of the rules listed above for any reason.

Just a friendly reminder – Always bring rain gear, just in case…